VONULFSREICH- Kvensgaldr CD Fallen Temple 2024

I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that many of you guys already know of this Finnish due. For the last 12 years, they`ve been spreading, quite successfully, sonic pest, infecting their fans with truly deadly and putrefying music. “Kvensgaldr” sound is darn putrid and filthy.

When combined with their lifeless and grim music it does suck you into the abyss of bottomless darkness.

These songs are the journey we take to the darkest corners of human fears, the nightmare we cannot wake up from, the slumber of a dying man, laid in the crypt of oblivion - where the corpse is accompanied by boundless darkness and worms devouring the cadaver who used to be a breathing, living man...

This album stands for grimy, lifeless music that bulldozes over human remnants like a 100-ton heavy beast.

The best that builds its nest using skulls and bones of human beings. Each and every riff here radiates with evilness and eeriness.

This is pure funeral music, dying man`s last breath, eagerly devouring the darkness which, like some drape, wraps him up with oblivion and rot. This album is truly menacing; ten acts of bestiality, which will mark you soul forever… leaving a devastated human body…


Poprawiony (wtorek, 14 maja 2024 08:10)