ELS FOCS NEGRES- Martiris carnívors: Himnes per a un nou apocalipsi cd Metal On Metal 2023

It won’t be denied the second album by ELS FOCS NEGRES from Portugal stands for total madness.
This is the homage the band pays to old school maniacs of heavy/speed metal. Yes, it is true, they formed only in 2019, but this is total worship of the old days – the glorious days of old metal from the late 1980s.
Another good thing about “Martiris carnívors: Himnes per a un nou apocalipsi” is that the vocals are in Portuguese.
I have always had a soft spot for bands who use their native language in their music.
I would say it makes their music more emotional, especially when compared to vocals done in English. I reckon this is because you sort of “think” in your language when you sing in it as well.
ELS FOCS NEGRES does it masterfully; this is sincere and honest approach that will have a positive impact on each and every listener. “Martiris…” is indeed a very dynamic and catchy album – a really pleasant listen, lock stock and barrel.
This stuff is 100% old school.
The sound isn’t plastic or artificial; just the very opposite - it’s just extremely natural and profoundly organic.
Yes, such an approach is pretty rare these days…why so, you may ask? Well, many bands and their sound engineers are tempted to do some “corrections.” As a result, the way particular songs have been recorded seems sort of “castrated.” Everything becomes too perfect, too clear and too even.
Drums are triggered.
Any music, which is initially really natural and thus good, becomes, so to say, a tad “soulless.” I know of many bands who can achieve amazing sounding music while rehearsing. Unfortunate, the very same songs, after being recorded in a studio, become fairly unlistenable since they`ve lost their naturalness.
Luckily, ELS FOCS NEGRES music is free from the above-mentioned maladies.
Their music and the way it sounds is their homage to the old school of making music.
This is the reason why “Martiris carnívors: Himnes per a un nou apocalipsi” is a very good album. I wish we had more wild recordings like this one.
Unless you already have, well, go ahead and look for ELS FOCS NEGRES music; and I guarantee that their stuff will kick your asses really hard.
I don’t usually rate the stuff I review, but this album would be like 8/10. 

Poprawiony (niedziela, 12 maja 2024 18:43)