CYCLONE from Belgium is a good example of a band who were not determined enough to fight for what they deserved to become in the world`s metal music. CYCLONE formed back in 1981, that is, when the thrash metal boom wasn’t even born yet. They indeed had enough potential to compete with all the top bands from back then. Alas, they started off for good in around 1983. It was way too late.

The lineup was perfect, they started to rehearse right after they formed. Their debut demo was promptly recorded. The demo songs weren’t featured in the first album but resulted in band`s playing their first live show at Lido in Leuven, Belgium on June 2, 1984, supporting ACID.

The debut demo, which was released in 200 copies, sold out immediately. The response coming from underground fans was really positive. Some labels started to show their interest in CYCLONE. The band decided to leave for Germany and record a handful of songs for Shark Records.

Regardless of that decision, it was Roadrunner Records that CYCLONE signed a deal with eventually. As a result, CYCLONE recorded two songs for Metal Race compilation LP and then started working on their “Brutal Destruction” debut album. Fans began to pay attention to the band who were at the time playing live shows with METALLICA, ANTHRAX, AGENT STEEL, OVERKILL, METAL CHURCH and SLAYER. Those shows definitely helped CYCLONE a lot. However, “Brutal Destruction,” good album as it is it was released way too late.

The reason was simple: there were already plenty of very strong groups around and many of those bands had already several albums under their belt. A really fierce competition, right? The CYCLONE`s debut album was really powerful but, at the same time, turned out to be inferior to such masterpieces as “Reign in Blood,” “Master of Puppets” or “Pleasure to Kill.” The year of 1986 was when a lot of excellent albums were out, and the band who wasn’t adequately supported buy their label was not, as a result, able to compete with bands with three or more albums under their belt and who had already toured all over the world. Yes, indeed, the fact that Roadrunner released “Brutal Destruction” wasn’t enough for the band to achieve success.

The label had too many good extreme bands under their wings and thus did not support CYCLONE sufficiently.

The lineup started to change: Johnny Kerbush and Nicolas Lairin left the band and were replaced by Giancarlo Langhendries and Pablos Alvarez (rhythm guitar) from DEATH SQUAD. After that reshuffling, CYCLONE stated their European tour (“Blessed Death Tour”), after which Pascal Van Lint and Pablos Alvarez quit. Stefaan Daamen became a guitarist again, Gert Van Overloop was a new bassist and Xavier Carion became a new guitarist.

They recorded a new demo which attracted attention from Justice Records. In 1990, the band recorded their second album: “Inferior to None.” The album was produced by Eric Greif who also cooperated with such bands as MORBID SAINT, DEATH, INVOCATOR. After their second album was recorded, the band toured together with SEPULTURA; and when it all started to look good for the band their label went belly up! Well, another label took over and finally released their second album. CYCLONE toured Europe together with SADUS, THE ACCUSED and THE OBSESSED. They also played live together with KREATOR.

In March of 1993, CYCLONE played their final concert in Sint-Lievens-Houtem, Belgium and then fell silent for many years. I would say CYCLONE might have done much better had they been from the USA or at least from Germany. In 2018, Stefaan Daamen and Guido Gevels started to jam again and were later joined by Matthias Debaets (ex-INDEMNITY) on drums and Kevin Verleysen (lead guitar), and after a couple of months Vincent Hetman (bass) joined re-formed CYCLONE too.

The first rehearsal took place on December 14, 2019 and the band played live on KEEP IT TRUE on April 25, 2020. I am very happy that CYCLONE can play live again. I am going to see them live together with MIDNIGHT. I would say these days are good for old bands to reactivate. Hope that CYCLONE will become fully “alive” for good – I do wish they would.


Poprawiony (sobota, 11 maja 2024 18:55)