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# Tytuł artykułu Autor Odsłony
161 The Garcia- Horizonte [Sun Stone Records; 2011] Oldchool Metal Maniac 1242
162 Hellias- Closed In The Fate Coffin/Night Of Damnation [Thrashing Madness; 2015] Oldchool Metal Maniac 1237
163 ATACKE NUCLEAR- Chaos Mundial CD 2010 Unsigned/independent Oldchool Metal Maniac 1183
164 TRENCHROT- Necronomic Warfare CD 2014 Axe Records Oldchool Metal Maniac 1191
165 INVINCIBLE FORCE- Satan Repellion Metal CD 2013 Dark Descend Prod Oldchool Metal Maniac 1480
166 DETHRONED CHRIST- Only Death Shall Remain the World CD 2014 Hammer of Damnation Oldchool Metal Maniac 1944
167 PHANTOM CREW- Thrashing Spree CD 2005 Marquee Rec Oldchool Metal Maniac 1573
168 Korzus- KZS [Voice Music; 2012] Oldchool Metal Maniac 13455
169 JACKDEVIL -Unholy Sacrifice CD 2014 Urbuz Rec Oldchool Metal Maniac 1520
170 SWALLOWED- Lunarterial CD Dark Descend Rec 2014 Oldchool Metal Maniac 1358
171 Korzus- Ties Of Blood [Unimar Music; 2004] Oldchool Metal Maniac 1275
172 Vindicator- United We Fall [Slaney Records; 2012] Oldchool Metal Maniac 1396
173 Claustrofobia - I See Red [Voice Music (Brasil)/ Candlelight Records; 2009] Oldchool Metal Maniac 1266
174 Witch Cross- Axe To Grind [Hells Headbangers Records;2013] Oldchool Metal Maniac 1063
175 Suicide Watch- The Alienation Zone [Slaney Records; 2014] Oldchool Metal Maniac 1222
176 Possessor- City Built With Skulls [Slaney Records; 2012] Oldchool Metal Maniac 1418
177 HI-GH- Till Death And After [Metal On Metal Records; 2014] Oldchool Metal Maniac 1218
178 Albert Bell's Sacro Sanctus- Deus Volt [Metal On Metal Records; 2014] Oldchool Metal Maniac 1475
179 Midnight Priest- Midnight Steel [Slaney Records; 2014] Oldchool Metal Maniac 1668
180 Atheist- Elements [ Music For Nations;1993] Oldchool Metal Maniac 1166
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